Capítulo 4: Eu Andava em Perplexidade

1.Robert L.Heilbroner,The Great Ascent:The Struggle for Economic Development in Our Time (New York,NY:Harper & Row,1963),pp.33 –36.
2.Economic Research Service,U.S.D.A.,“Percent of Consumption Expenditures Spent on Food,1999,by Selected Countries ”(
3.David B.Barrett and Todd M.Johnson,eds.,World Christian Trends,AD 30-AD 2200 (Pasadena,CA:William Carey Library, 2001),p.417.

Capítulo 5: Uma Nação Adormecida na Escravidão

1.Patrick Johnstone and Jason Mandryk,eds.,Operation World, 21st century ed. (Carlisle,Cumbria,U.K.:Paternoster Lifestyle, 2001), p.663.
2.Barrett and Johnson,World Christian Trends,AD 30-AD 2200, p.44.
3.Rochunga Pudaite,My Billion Bible Dream (Nashville,TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers,1982),p.129.
4.Barrett and Johnson,World Christian Trends,AD 30-AD 2200, p.421.
5.Kingdom Radio Guide (Holland,MI:Kingdom Radio Guide, Inc.,2003),p.3..Revolution in World Missions
6.Barrett and Johnson,World Christian Trends,AD 30-AD 2200, p.45.
7.Ibid.,pp.417 –419.

Capítulo 8: Um Novo Dia Em Missões

1.Barrett and Johnson,World Christian Trends,AD 30-AD 2200, p.416.
2.Charlotte Hails,“Christianity in China,”Overseas Missionary
Fellowship (
3.Barrett and Johnson,World Christian Trends,AD 30-AD 2200, p.426.
4.The World Bank,World Development Report 2000/2001: Attacking Poverty (New York,NY:Oxford University Press,Attacking Poverty (New York,NY:Oxford University Press,Attacking Poverty 2001), pp.21 –24.
5.The World Bank,“World Development Indicators Database,” April 2004 (

Capítulo 10: Deus Está Retendo o Julgamento

1.William McDonald,True Discipleship (Kansas City,KS: Walterick Publishers,1975),p.31.
2.A.W.Tozer,The Pursuit of God (Harrisburg,PA:Christian Publications,Inc.,1948),p.28.

Capítulo 11: Por que Eu Deveria Causar Ondas?

1.C.Peter Wagner,On the Crest of the Wave (Ventura,CA:Regal Books,1983),p.150.
2.Watchman Nee,Love Not the World (Fort Washington,PA: CLC,1968),pp.23 –24.

Capítulo 12: As Boas-Obras e o Evangelho

1.Barrett and Johnson,World Christian Trends,AD 30-AD 2200, p.429.
2.A.W.Tozer,Of God and Man (Harrisburg,PA:Christian Publications,Inc.,1960),p.35.

Capítulo 13: A Esperança Tem Muitos Nomes

1.Human Rights Watch,“The Small Hands of Slavery: Bonded Child Labor in India,”(

Capítulo 14: A Necessidade de Revolução

1.C.S.Lewis,The Problem of Pain (London,U.K.:Fontana Publishers,1957),pp.106 –107.

Capítulo 15: O Verdadeiro Culpado: As Trevas Espirituais

1.Johnstone and Mandryk,Operation World,21st century ed., p.310.
2.Barrett and Johnson,World Christian Trends,AD 30-AD 2200, p.428.

Capítulo 16: Os Inimigos da Cruz

1.Barrett and Johnson,World Christian Trends,AD 30-AD 2200, p.32.
3.Johnstone and Mandryk,Operation World,21st century ed., p.310.

Capítulo 17: A Água da Vida Num Copo Estrangeiro

1.Barrett and Johnson,World Christian Trends,AD 30-AD 2200, p.655.

Capítulo 18: Uma Visão Global

1.Dennis E.Clark,The Third World and Mission (Waco,TX:Word Books,1971),p.70.
2.“Understanding the Cost of Mission,”Reformed Church in Missions (
3.Barrett and Johnson,World Christian Trends,AD 30-AD 2200, p.655.
4.Roland Allen,The Spontaneous Expansion of the Church (Grand Rapids,MI:William B.Eerdmans, 1962), p.19.
5.Barrett and Johnson,World Christian Trends,AD 30-AD 2200, p.421.

Capítulo 19: A Tarefa Primária da Igreja

1.Barrett and Johnson,World Christian Trends,AD 30-AD 2200, p.60.
2.George Verwer,No Turning Back (Wheaton,IL:Tyndale House Publishers,1983),pp.89 –90.

Apêndice 1: Perguntas e Respostas

1.Barrett and Johnson,World Christian Trends,AD 30-AD 2200, p.58.

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